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Your expert for ant keeping


Distribution, dispersal and ecological importance

GeneralIn our ecosystem they are almost everywhere: ants - the secret world power. An exception are very cold and very warm regions of this world. There are no ants, especially in the polar regions. In desert regions, there are few, highly adapted ant species that have evolved to be extremely adapted to their environment. Accordingly, similar conditions should be observed when keeping these species. The genus around Cataglyphis is responsible here.

A myrmecologist took spectacular pictures here and presented them on YouTube. I don't want to withhold this from you. I'm not giving you high hopes: this species is very rarely commercially available. Even rarer in good quality. However, there is a small range of species from the genus Cataglyphis.

OriginThe origin of ants is believed to be 140 million years ago. At that time, these developed from wasps. You can take a closer look at the lineage under this link. According to current knowledge, the oldest ants found in amber originated around 100 million years ago.

ecological importance

The ecological importance is only outlined - for further technical information on the subject, I ask you to switch to the AntWiki. A good article with technical literature can be found here. In the narrower sense, ants are the so-called "policemen of the forest". This metaphor can be sketched arbitrarily for every conceivable zone of the world. In addition to a high level of carrion utilization, pests in particular, such as robbery, are killed and utilized in large numbers.

to be continued

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